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core drilling for ventilation, 162 mm dia hole in external wall for ventilation  core hole 162mm dia through the wall Cut clean and accurate holes in soft facing stone, bricks and blocks Ideal for drilling holes for fitting flues and air vents dust-free drilling with drill holes up to 162 mm in diameter hole for cooker hood 162 mm dia hole in external wall for cooker hood

       Ventilation Hole Drilling / Ventilation Holes

 Drilling hole for ventilation

 Ventilation is the main requirement for building design. It removes toxic or polluted gases from the room, thereby ensuring sanitary and hygienic conditions (temperature, humidity, movement and clean air).
 When laying a ventilation route through load-bearing walls or ceilings, installers have questions about how to make a hole quickly and accurately, without violating its load-bearing capabilities. After all, dismantling work is not only physically difficult, but also dangerous!
Specialists from Mtc-A Diamond Drilling will help solve this issue, who will quickly and efficiently drilling hole for ventilation of any size/diameter, thickness using special professional equipment in a non-impact manner, which will prevent the formation of cracks in the structure and further destruction of the building.

The work is carried out using professional equipment - a German-made diamond drilling installation - WEKA DK 32 or Hilti DD 150U/ Hilti DD250. The installation operates from a 230 volt network; for operation, water is required in an amount of 3 to 7 liters per hole to cool the diamond bit, which performs the cutting action. In rooms undergoing renovation, work is carried out with the collection of waste water.

A diamond bit is capable of cutting through materials such as: concrete, reinforced concrete, monolithic reinforced concrete, brick, rubble, asphalt, granite, marble. Inside the wall there is reinforcement of any diameter, a metal channel or I-beam.

How long will drilling ventilation holes take

 The average diamond drilling speed is 1 cm per minute plus 15 minutes for installation and removal of the machine. For example, if a reinforced concrete wall is 40 cm thick, then drilling it from start to finish will take about 55 minutes.

In walls made of softer material, such as brick or foam block (without reinforcement), with the same thickness of 40 cm, drilling ventilation holes process will be 1.5-2 times faster and can take about 35 minutes.

And in walls with a high grade of concrete and a large amount of reinforcement, on the contrary, the process can slow down by 2-3 times, where the speed of drilling one hole can take up to 2 hours.

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hole for ventilation uk, ventilation West Midlands, Air Ventilation Holes, drill hole 162mm, drill hole 152mm, drill hole 180mm, hole core air vent, 162 mm dia hole in external wall for ventilation  core hole 162mm dia through the wall Cut clean and accurate holes in soft facing stone, bricks and blocks Ideal for drilling holes for fitting flues and air vents dust-free drilling with drill holes up to 162 mm in diameter hole for cooker hood 162 mm dia hole in external wall for cooker hood
162 mm dia hole in external wall for ventilation  core hole 162mm dia through the wall Cut clean and accurate holes in soft facing stone, bricks and blocks Ideal for drilling holes for fitting flues and air vents dust-free drilling with drill holes up to 162 mm in diameter hole for cooker hood 162 mm dia hole in external wall for cooker hood
162 mm dia hole in external wall for ventilation  core hole 162mm dia through the wall Cut clean and accurate holes in soft facing stone, bricks and blocks Ideal for drilling holes for fitting flues and air vents dust-free drilling with drill holes up to 162 mm in diameter hole for cooker hood 162 mm dia hole in external wall for cooker hood

 Drilling holes for ventilation, were created for different types of ventilation, ranging from simple ones - natural vents or vents in the foundation of the house, to ventilate the underground space from dampness, supply valves, which are installed in apartments for fresh air, to complex ones - mechanical, exhaust, general, local, emergency ventilation systems that are installed in buildings with large crowds of people, leisure and entertainment centers, shopping centers, administrative buildings, catering establishments, industrial premises, industrial buildings.

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West Midlands,
United Kingdom

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